A proven methodology for getting the most out of your cloud agreements and optimizing your cloud spend.
Recorded FinOps training kit for internal use
Delivered by Eli Mansoor, CEO of OskaQ Consulting, the six session course is structured so that even participants without a previous background or technological base will derive great value from the course and will be able to lead FinOps processes with confidence and success.
Eli Mansoor is an accomplished cloud transformation leader with 25 years experience in the technology market and ALMOST TEN YEARS EXPERIENCE IN THE CLOUD INDUSTRY, including four years’ experience working at Amazon Web Services (AWS). Recently, Eli left AWS to pursue his passion and start OskaQ Consulting LTD, a business focusing on improving cloud customers’ gross margin by optimizing vendors’ agreements and cloud spend.
Eli Mansoor is an accomplished cloud transformation leader with ALMOST TEN YEARS‘ EXPERIENCE IN THE INDUSTRY, including four years’ experience working at Amazon Web Services (AWS). Eli left AWS this past May to start a business focusing on improving cloud customers’ gross margin by optimizing vendors’ agreements and cloud spend.
In his four years with AWS, Eli was an Account Manager, supporting Enterprise customers with their cloud transformation journey and, more recently, was Business Development manager, part of the AWS (EC2) Compute team. Before joining AWS, Eli was the Israel manager for CloudHealth Technologies (acquired by VMware), a Cloud Financial Management SaaS platform and, previously, was the Israel manager for Rackspace (acquired by Apollo Global Management). In these roles, Eli helped numerous organizations with their digital transformation journey, set up Cloud Center of Excellence (CCoE) teams, saved millions of dollars of cloud spend, built their FinOps practice and negotiated better terms for their cloud vendor or cloud resellers’ agreements.
In 2019, Eli co-authored the book Mastering AWS Cost Optimization, that has since become a cornerstone for all FinOps engineers around the globe. The third release is now available in English and will soon be released in Korean.
At OskaQ Consulting, Eli helps various companies, negotiate better cloud agreements, save millions of dollars of cloud spend, implement cost-aware organization culture, advance the partnership level with the cloud vendors, comply with migration programs and even took a core part in writing the Israeli Government FinOps practice guide (as part of the Nimbus project).
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"With OskaQ Consulting I feel confident that Claroty's cloud spend is optimized, in control, and we have the agreements we need in order to accelerate Claroty's business growth"
"With OskaQ Consulting we managed to cut Aidoc's COGS unit cost by 50% and strengthen the partnership with AWS to ensure Aidoc's continuous business growth"
"With OskaQ Consulting we improved our cloud agreements and implemented a cross-organization FinOps culture. These enable Orca Security to track our COGS unit costs and improve our margin per customer".
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